Ja sabia disso tudo nem li sabe Resumindo Vanilla : server sem plugins Bukkit : server com plugins igual craftlandia e outros
Mas uma coisa que não entendi direito foi: o Bukkit pelo visto já era, não poderia ser mais usado, é ÓBVIO que a Craftlandia já deve estar procurando essa solução, mas será que não teria nem ao menos alguma forma de fazer um server sem Bukkit mas usando plugins próprios como a própria Craftlandia já vem fazendo com outros plugins? Não é de hoje que vejo a Craftlandia sempre inovando principalmente nos plugins novos e criados por ela mesma, talvez essa seja a nossa esperança. Quem precisa de novas versões de Minecraft se a Craftlandia em si virar um jogo e não um server, lançar suas próprias melhorias e itens próprios? '-' Só disse isso por que realmente não quero que a CL acabe, não mesmo. Estou a anos aqui, e seria uma pena acabar agora assim. EDIT: Sem contar também que JAVA em si é fácil de mexer. A única coisa infelizmente que atrapalha esse processo todo é que independente de usar Bukkit ou não, o Mine continua sendo da Mojang :/
Esse é o ponto. É questão de lógica: por que comprar mine original mas ainda ser um player comum nos servidores se você pode gastar esse dinheiro com o VIP por exemplo, jogar normalmente e com privilégios no servidor. O que temos que entender é uma coisa: a Mojang quer acabar com os servers pelo simples motivo de que esses servers estão tirando dinheiro do bolso deles. É tudo um grande negócio. Como eu disse, todo mundo prefere (e é só prestar atenção pra ver que não estão errados) comprar um VIP a comprar mine original, que não lhe daria nada útil a mais do que o VIP. Não acho que a Mojang esteja sendo manipulada, ela, como o admn disse virou uma empresa como outra qualquer, e a gente tem que entender isso: ela vai fazer de tudo pra apenas ela lucrar, independentemente se ela teve ajuda de quem quer que seja antes ou não. Como eu disse é uma questão de negócios pra ela.
Bom topico , super explicativo. Mais nós da craftlandia pode sofrer com algum ato da mojang ( já que usamos uma versão 1.5.2/1.7.4 ) ? A Maioria dos Players da craftlandia não tem minecraft original por ser menores de idade é os pais não confiar em comprar algo pelo cartão de credito pela internet.
Novas noticias do caso bukkit We think it’s about time we said something about the Bukkit Project and our connection with it. Hopefully this will help to clear up some misunderstandings, reassure some of you and answer some of the questions (or claims) that have been raised – especially by Wesley (Wolvereness). We would have loved to have done this sooner but we’ve been insanely busy… what with the 1.8 Update, Next Gen versions and all… and contrary to what a lot of people think we’re still a small team. First, regarding Wesley, it’s sad and disappointing that he’s acted the way he has. No one here likes having to respond to these things in public – but what choice do we have? If we don’t then speculation grows, and quickly the truth is far from what people are talking about, and many only hear rumors and take them as facts. So, here goes. Wesley Wolfe has mischaracterized and misrepresented the position with regard to the Bukkit Project & Mojang. It has been unfairly suggested that Mojang is in some way behind his request that CraftBukkit is taken down (the fact that he quoted a small part of an email I sent him in his DMCA takedown has been taken as some sort of endorsement of his claim). We want to make it clear that Mojang is not responsible and has no liability whatsoever in regard to these claims. The official Minecraft Server software that we have made available is not included in CraftBukkit. Therefore there is no obligation for us to provide the original code or any source code to the Minecraft Server, nor any obligation to authorize its use. Our refusal to make available or authorize the use of the original / source code of the Minecraft Server software cannot therefore be considered to give rise to an infringement of any copyright of Wesley, nor any other person. Wesley’s allegations are therefore wholly unfounded. Additionally, we believe that Wesley has no right to prevent the continued use of his contributions to the project – which he gave freely, knowing them to be subject to applicable open source licenses. We believe these licenses continue to bind all those who contributed to the Bukkit Project. Mojang hasn’t contributed to the Bukkit Project and, therefore, the official Minecraft Server software we make available is not subject to the applicable open source licenses. As Jeb announced on twitter, Mojang obtained rights in the project over 2 years ago. However they were effectively given to us when we hired the original team to work on Minecraft, and we haven’t touched it since – as everyone in the community that has been frustrated by our lack of involvement knows. For one thing, we don’t have the time or people available. For another, it has always been a community driven project that we didn’t (and still don’t) want to be unduly interfering with. It was only when the community was threatened that we felt the need to speak up. Since then we’ve been trying to decide the best approach for us to take with it. Here is the dilemma - we want to be able to support the community and the project BUT: - we want the community and the project to maintain its independence; - we won’t compromise our ownership of Minecraft and because there is open source code associated with it, we won’t authorize (and haven’t ever authorized) the inclusion of any of the Minecraft software we publish, unless we can be certain that our doing so won’t lead to people claiming rights over our Minecraft code. That’s why what Wesley did was so disappointing but that’s also why we were effectively given the rights we got two years ago - to stop someone being able to misuse or sabotage the Bukkit project, and to have the choice to support the Project if others wouldn’t. Deciding how we can best help Bukkit and the community is going to take time, patience and some further investigation into the Bukkit project as a whole. We are only just starting to get our heads around all of this but we are committed to doing so and ultimately we anticipate that the result will benefit all those involved. In the meantime we’d ask for your understanding, welcome your suggestions and ask that people don’t attempt to assert rights that they do not have, against us or anyone else. Thanks for reading. Vu COO of Mojang @vubui Link oficial http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mojang-and-the-bukkit-project.309715/ Joga no google se não entender vlw flws