Bem vindo(a) a mais um evento: Qual é a música?
Será disponibilizado o trecho de 5 músicas, vocês deverão acertar o nome e o cantor(a).
Responda seguindo esse formulário:
1 - Cantor - Música
2 - Cantor - Música
3 - Cantor - Música
4 - Cantor - Música
5 - Cantor - Música
OBS: é necessário seguir o formato do formulário.
» Serão permitidos apenas posts com as respostas do evento;
» Posts fora dos padrões serão deletados;
» Será aceito só um post por jogador;
» Não é permitido editar a resposta, caso contrário, estará desclassificado.
Terá apenas um vencedor que ganhará 60 cubos!
I could be your supermodel
If you believe
If you see it in me
See it in me
See it in me
Say you'll remember me standing in a nice dress
Staring at the sunset, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again
Even if it's just in your wildest dreams, ah-ha
Wildest dreams, ah-ha
Now I'm knee-deep in this mess
I could cry just thinking about you
Every line I write is something about you
Every guy I want looks something just like you
Every book I read I only read for you
Every art piece is just to remind you
I don't know who I am, with or without you
But I guess I'm 'bout to find out
I, I, I
I'll never forget you
You'll always be by my side
From the day that I met you
I knew that I would love you 'til the day I die
And I will never want much more
And in my heart I will always be sure
I will never forget you
And you'll always be by my side 'til the day I die
You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream
The way you turn me on, I can't sleep
Let's run away and don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
Equipe CraftLandia.