Bem vindo(a) a mais um evento: Qual é a música?
Será disponibilizado o trecho de 5 músicas, vocês deverão acertar o nome e o cantor(a).
Responda seguindo esse formulário:
1 - Cantor - Música
2 - Cantor - Música
3 - Cantor - Música
4 - Cantor - Música
5 - Cantor - Música
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Terá apenas um vencedor que ganhará 80 cubos!
And I never thought
We'd be blacking out
Yellow horizon
But it's raining now
Did you have to do this?
I was thinking that you could be trusted
Did you have to ruin what was shining now it's all rusted
Did you have to hit me where
A rush at the beginning
I get caught up, just for a minute
But lover, you're the one to blame
All that you're doing
Can you hear the violence?
Look what you've done, look what you've done to me
I got everything I wanted, but you're everything, you're everything I want
Look what you've done to me
Didn't know I was alone 'til I was runnin' to your, runnin' to your heart
Like magnets
Oh my God, what's happening?
Look what you've done, look what you've done to me
I got everything I wanted, but you're everything, you're everything I need
So I breathe, am I gonna drown?
You'll be fine, I say it out loud
I should let someone know
Maybe when I'm better
So I breathe, will it ever end?
Equipe CraftLandia.